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About Us

Coastal Shutters has been serving Volusia County since 2007. We specialize in Blinds, Shades, Shutters, Drapery, Bedding, and More. As a Professional Certified Hunter Douglas Showcase Dealer, we offer the largest selection of quality custom made Window Fashions. Including the Inspired by Design “Alustra” Collection.

“Our priority is to make your buying experience a pleasure.”
sheer shades

Hunter Douglas Showcase

Our goal is to provide tips and insight for the new homeowner or one who is in the process of remodeling. Our mission is to help our homeowners through the difficult buying process and inspire them with new ideas.

We only carry quality name brands that provide solid warranties from the manufacturer. When you purchase your products from Coastal Shutters you can be assured that your product will withstand the test of time.

Owner image

The Owner

Julie Duleba has been in the window fashion industry since 2004. She incorporated Coastal Shutters back in 2007.

Her degree is in Graphic Design and Fitness.

Her passion for design, her eye for perfection, and her energy to inspire are unmatched. Julie is one of our in-home consultants She or one of our other certified consultants will be happy to assist you through your window fashion design project.

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