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Roman Shades for Traditional or Modern Rooms

Coastal Shutters and Window Treatments understands every client’s style and budget is different. We provide individual attention to ensure they get exactly what they’re looking for out of their new Hunter Douglas roman shades. New Smyrna Beach, FL homeowners have trusted us for over 15 years because we put their style and comfort at the forefront of our services. Roman shades are an outstanding shade solution for your home’s windows, with the soft look of their fabric folds and easy operation. We have options to accommodate traditional and modern home designs and décor, using beautiful fabrics, colors, opacities, and folds.

window shades and curtains in living room

Shade Options to Suit Your Aesthetic Style

Enhancing your home’s interior with roman shades works well with various room designs. You get a classic look with the operational convenience of regular blinds and a multitude of colors, textures, and looks to choose from. The benefits of roman shades include superb light control, better energy efficiency, and excellent privacy at any time of day or night. Coastal Shutters and Window Treatments’ home design team will gladly help you select suitable roman shades from any of the following collections:

Vignette® Shades

Get a modern look on a timeless window treatment with Vignette® Modern Roman Shades. Their design features consistent folds in the fabric with no exposed rear cords, giving your space an uncluttered look that’s safer for kids and pets. We have a wide array of fold sizes and styles to tailor your shades to your personal taste. You also get beautiful fabrics that are easy to clean and low maintenance.

Design Studio™ Shades

This line of roman shades lets you create your dream shade by choosing from three different styles. After selecting your style, you can customize your investment with an extensive selection of luxurious fabrics, with a highlight being one of NY designer Rebecca Atwood’s exclusive collections. Add even more personal touches by combining side panels and drapery to your window treatments to achieve a chic and unique look.

Solera® Shades

If you value roman shades’ enduring appeal and signature design, Solera Shades might be the perfect choice for your home. You also get added benefits with their attractive look, such as energy efficiency. The Solera® Soft Shades feature an innovative cellular construction that traps air and keeps your home warm in the winter and cooler during the hot summer.

Coastal Shutters and Window Treatments Is Ready to Help

If you’re ready to upgrade your home’s windows with elegant treatments, Coastal Shutters and Window Treatments is happy to help you find an ideal solution. Our roman shades are a prime example of integrating a timeless answer to chic shading into various interior designs.

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