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Shading New Smyrna Beach, FL Rooms with Plantation Shutters

Your home is a substantial investment that deserves the best possible upkeep and enhancement to ensure your family’s comfort and happiness. Coastal Shutters and Window Treatments understands how your windows are an essential component, requiring just as much attention to provide privacy, aesthetic beauty, and protection from harsh sunlight. We offer New Smyrna Beach, FL homeowners plantation shutters in a wide selection of colors, stains, and styles, including specialty shapes, frame choices, louver sizes, and configuration options. Our shutters are made with poly-composite compounds and various premium hardwood options. Their timeless look and classic elegance never go out of style.

plantation shutters

Reasons to Add Plantation Shutters to Your Rooms

Coastal Shutters and Window Treatments is happy to help you add plantation shutters to your windows for many reasons. Their distinctive and classic look offers more than beauty. With their effective shading and insulating properties, the benefits of plantation shutters make them a wise investment.

Common Reasons to Add Plantation Shutters to the Rooms in Your Home
  • Plantation shutters are made with top-of-the-line construction and offer refined style to your interior spaces. Their timeless appeal does more than enhance your comfort and visual enjoyment. These shutters add value to your home as a long-lasting fixture with a lifespan as long as 20 years.
  • If natural wood shutters are too expensive for your taste, you can choose faux wood plantation shutters as an alternative. These shutters are more affordable and durable, providing years of dependable shade and aesthetic appeal. They are also resistant to moisture, which makes them ideal for bathrooms and kitchens.
  • You can complement nearly any room style or décor with custom interior shutters. Personalize your shutters to match your home by choosing from a wide array of styles and colors, such as neutral tones, whites, and natural wood tones. Our staff will help you find the perfect color or stain to blend with your home’s aesthetic or stand out as an eye-catching feature.
  • These shutters do more than add to your home’s value. Wood and faux wood plantation shutters also provide outstanding insulation and light control in your rooms. These qualities can save you money on your energy bills.

Invest in Your Home’s Aesthetics & Comfort

When you decide to add additional value to your home’s interior spaces, Coastal Shutters and Window Treatments has you covered with timelessly appealing plantation shutters. With over 15 years of experience, our staff’s expertise ensures we can find you the right shutter option.

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